Regulations & Regulatory Agencies. Keller provides products and services that help organizations comply with regulations from a whole host of regulatory agencies. But the primary areas that Keller specializes in are: Department of Transportation (DOT), Occupational Safety & Health Adminsitration (OSHA), Food & Drug Administration (FDA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Follow these links to learn about the agencies and the regulations they propagate and enforce:
The above areas provide only a glimpse of a portion of the myriad safety issues your clients have to deal with on a daily basis. It is to your advantage to more thoroughly familiarize yourself with the details of the regulations as well as the many safety and compliance products and services that Keller provides. The more familiar you are with both, the better able you will be to position yourself to provide cost-effective, real world solutions for your clients. Home | About | Top Products | Product Index/Search | Contact