Fleet Safety Compliance Manual
Want to simplify FMCSR compliance? Heres the source you need.
Theres a reason why this is our best-selling manual. In fact, there are several reasons. It puts word-for-word Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations at your fingertips. It also provides over 700 official DOT interpretations. Finally, it gives you clear, concise explanations covering seven key areas:
- logging includes how-to illustrations explaining the 10-hour driving rule, the 15-hour on-duty rule,
and the 60/70 hour rule.
- driver qualification provides examples of forms which are required to be in the drivers
qualification file.
- equipment describes parts and accessories required by the regs.
- accidents walks you through proper paperwork and procedures.
- operations helps explain driver responsibilities and restrictions
- maintenance summarizes vehicle inspection requirements.
- safety ratings helps explain how safety ratings are determined.
Youll find yourself turning to this easy-to-use manual again and again for easy-to-understand compliance guidance.
Loose-leaf, 3-ring bound. 925 pages. Update Service available separately. Softbound version also available.
ISBN 0934674-24-8
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