Machine Guarding: A Managment & Employee Safety Program
Involve your whole team and prevent some of the most common OSHA violations (OSHA Subpart O).
If you think most machines have adequate guarding already in place, think again. Violations under OSHAs machine guarding regulations (Subpart O) have consistently ranked second in number only to those for toxic and hazardous substances (Subpart Z). And when it comes to the dollar amounts of these fines, machine guarding consistently tops the list. This training program helps you reach managers, supervisors and employees alike with information about how they can contribute to an effective machine guarding effort.
Kellers Machine Guarding training program features a video that explains the roles of management and employees, discusses the elements of a sound machine guarding policy, and looks at the responsibilities each person has for maintaining a safe work environment. Also included are materials to train the trainers guides that help supervisors and others create training programs for employees. And there are materials for employees themselves handbooks, posters, and more that educate them about their machine guarding responsibilities.
The program even includes Risk Evaluation Forms to help you look at your machinery with fresh eyes. Based on actual OSHA inspector guidelines, these forms will help you spot machine guarding problems before they become citations, and give you some direction in addressing the problems you find.
Heres what the program includes:
1 18-Minute VHS Training Video
1 64-Page Training Preparation Guide
1 Instructors Guide
10 Employee Handbooks
8 Overhead Transparency Masters
1 Training Log
1 U.S. Regulation Reprint (including 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart O)
1 Awareness Poster
10 Risk Evaluation Forms
3 Machine Guarding Safety Labels
10 Wallet Cards.
ISBN 1-57943-207-7
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