Kellers 5-Minute Workplace Safety Talks
No time to train? With this manual, five minutes is all you need!
This brand-new, easy-to-use manual gives you fingertip access to over 95 different five- minute safety talks. At just five minutes each, you can easily fit these mini training sessions into your busy schedule and your employees'. Conduct the talks right before the beginning of a shift or at the start of the day ... anytime you and your employees can spare five short minutes. You'll get talks covering over 95 workplace safety topics, such as:
- confined spaces
- bloodborne pathogens
- lockout/tagout
- ergonomics
- hazard communication
- fall protection
- lifting techniques
- personal protective equipment
- welding
- slips, trips and falls
- workplace violence
- and more!
Each talk consists of an instructor's page and an employee handout. The instructor's page provides an overview of the topic along with tips on how to train. The employee handout contains a review of the key points covered and includes a sign-off sheet on the back for easy training documentation.
The manual even includes a section on how to conduct a five-minute talk.
Loose-leaf, 3-ring bound. 300 pages. Update service with additional talks available separately.
ISBN 1-57943-958-6
Spanish employee handouts also available.
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