Keller-Soft Human Resources Training Customizer
Create human resource training programs in as little as 5 minutes.
This brand-new software helps you create ready-to-use training programs on 18 key HR topics in just minutes. Each training program has all the tools you need to prepare and present information to your employees including handouts, exercises and PowerPoint® presentations. Plus, each program can be customized to meet your company specific needs.
This easy-to-use software also includes tools to help you manage your training program. Schedule training sessions, track trainees and training costs and create instant reports for employee training history.
The software covers the following topics:
- American Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Benefits
- Communication Skills
- Discipline
- Discrimination
- Facility Safety
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Hiring Skills
- Injury and Illness Reporting (Form 300)
- New Employee Orientation
- Performance Appraisal Skills
- Sexual Harassment
- Temporary and Contract Employees
- Termination
- Violence in the Workplace
Single-user and small network versions include 12 months unlimited, toll- free technical support.
System operating requirements: IBM® PC or 100% compatible computer (Pentium II class or higher), minimum of 32 MB RAM to operate (64 MB or higher recommended), a hard disk with 40 MB available. Windows® '95 (or higher) operating system. CD-ROM drive and mouse required. Video with resolution at least 800 x 600 (small fonts), 16-bit color. Compatible printer recommended. Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 required and included. Palm OS® 3.1 or higher required for handheld capabilities.
ISBN 1-59042-123-X
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