Fire Safety Training Kit
Arm your employees with the knowledge they need to prevent and respond to fires.
Are your employees doing all they can to help prevent fires? If a fire started in your facility today, would your employees know exactly what to do?
If you cant answer these questions with a definitive yes, you need to conduct fire safety training. Its that simple. And this easy-to-use training kit is the simplest way to do it.
Kellers Fire Safety Training Kit covers the basics that every employee should know when it comes to fire safety/prevention. Use it to help your employees understand what three elements are needed for materials to ignite; what fire hazards exist in the workplace; what to do in case of a fire; how to use a portable fire extinguisher; and more!
It only takes a second for a fire to start, but the damage can take a toll on your company for years. Make sure your employees know how to keep fires from starting and how to react to one with this affordable kit.
Each kit includes:
1 13-Minute VHS Training Video
1 Instructors Guide
10 Employee Handbooks
2 Fire Safety Posters
9 Fire-Related Warning Signs
10 Certificates Of Training
10 Employee Training Records
1 Training Log
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