OSHA Facilities Marking Manual
Find out what signs and labels your facility needs and where they need to go.
- Brings together sign requirements, easy-to-understand explanations, and placement illustrations in one convenient manual.
- Contains illustrations for 55 key workplace situations.
- Lowers chances of fines for noncompliance.
With large, colorful illustrations, this practical manual shows you signs required for various plant/warehouse situations and includes appropriate regulatory citations for each sign shown.
Includes over 75 illustrations of 55 key workplace situations, including:
- maintenance
- welding
- compressed gas storage
- chemical processing
- electrical room
- exits
- confined space
- loading dock
Also includes three handy indexes (topic, regulation, and standard), a question/answer section covering frequently asked marking questions, and the top 50 marking violations.
Loose-leaf, 3-ring bound. 603 pages.
ISBN 0-934674-89-2
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