Flagger Safety Training Kit
The training that flaggers need to meet their critical safety responsibilities.
Flaggers have an important job. Theyre responsible for guiding vehicles and pedestrians through or around construction areas while protecting on-site workers. Its a job where lives are on the line. Its a job that must be done right.
Thats why its so important to give your flaggers proper safety training. And this easy-to-use kit is a great way to do just that. It will explain to your flaggers what their responsibilities are and how to promote an accident-free work site.
The kit covers traffic flow, work zone setup, placement of channeling devices, nighttime flagging, and more. It also explains the responsibilities employers have in assigning flaggers and the qualifications flaggers must meet.
The kit includes:
1 10-Minute VHS Video
1 Instructional Poster
10 Flaggers Handbooks
ISBN 1-57943-963-2
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