1910 OSHA Guide
Forget the hard-to-use CFR now you can find the regs you need FAST!
Lets face it its hard to find the regs you need in the Code of Federal Regulations, unless you know the exact regulatory citation. And you cant afford to spend hours searching, can you?
Now theres a better way to look up regulatory information Kellers 1910 OSHA Guide. Weve taken all of OSHAs word-for-word Part 1910 workplace safety regulations and put them in a format that is much more reader-friendly. (Weve also included Parts 1903 and 1904.) Our book is tab-divided by subpart and topic, so you can quickly and easily flip to the section(s) you need. And, we include a handy subject index to help point you in the right direction. We put the regs in larger type so theyre easier to read (no more squinting to read fine print). Finally, we packaged it all in a sturdy, 3-ring binder that lays flat for hands-off reading and also allows you to remove pages and carry them with you wherever you want.
Youll find the regulations for key areas like personal protective equipment, machine guarding, electrical safety, hazard communication, forklift safety, and more. More importantly, youll find them in less time than with the CFR! Loose-leaf, 3-ring bound. 1,039 pages. Update service available separately.
ISBN 0-934674-70-1
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