Extreme 7-Minute Solutions: Wind, Rain, and Rollover
7-Minute Solutions for fast, affordable refresher training.
7-Minute Solutions are brief, 7-minute videos that summarize critical safety information. Use them to conduct the kind of high-impact refresher training your drivers need to stay alert and aware on the road. Each video comes with an instructors bulletin that provides presentation tips and a ready-to-photocopy quiz for drivers plus 10 driver skill cards that provide a quick review of key points covered in the video.
- Wind! (339-VT)
Advises drivers on how to control their vehicles in extremely windy conditions, and when its best to pull a rig over. Covers four types of deadly wind conditions: tornadoes, derachos, hurricanes, and downbursts. ISBN 1-57943-802-4- Rain! (340-VT)
Reminds drivers of proper following and stopping distances, hydroplaning, and dangers posed by standing water and soft road shoulders. ISBN 1-57943-803-2- Rollover! (341-VT)
Discusses the factors causing rollovers: speed, wind, fatigue, inattentive driving, and phantom vehicles. ISBN 1-57943-804-0ISBN 1-57943-805-9
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