A Recipe for Food Safety Success
Help your employees understand the "big picture" regarding food safety and cleanliness.
This brand-new training video can help your employees understand food safety requirements, why they exist and the consequences of not following those requirements.
Presented in a television news format with anchors and on-location interviews, this lively video will keep your employees' attention from start to finish.
This affordable video covers critical information you want every employee to know:
- The role of the FDA and USDA
- The purpose and importance of food safety regulations
- Foodborne illness: the causes and effects of pathogens
- Hazard types: biological, chemical, physical
- HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) Systems
- Time and temperature controls that fight bacteria growth
- The crucial nature of personal hygiene, including hand washing
- The importance of wearing personal protective equipment
- Sanitation and pest control
- How recalls affect a company and its employees
Video available in English and Spanish.
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