Ergonomics: A Step-By-Step Program Developer
Why let workers comp costs get the best of your company? Fight backand winwith a company-wide ergonomics program.
Implementing a company-wide ergonomics program can help reduce injuries and workers comp costs. But how do you go about putting one together and where do you start?
This manual will guide you through the steps you need to take in developing an ergonomics program from training to recordkeeping. Written in plain-English and tab-divided for easy reference, the manual covers musculoskeletal disorders; hazard reduction and control; job hazard analysis; whats needed for a complete ergonomics program; and safe lifting. It includes a sample written ergonomics plan and industry-specific information.
You can also use the manual to strengthen or improve your existing ergonomics program.
Loose-leaf, 3-ring bound. 700 pages.
ISBN 1-57943-926-8
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