Hazmat Transportation: What Drivers Need To Know
Give your drivers up-to-date, hard-hitting hazmat training thats just for them.
- How can you meet DOTs hazmat training and retraining requirements?
- How can you give your drivers a working knowledge of critical hazmat procedures?
- And how can you help protect your company from stiff fines for hazmat violations?
The answer to all three questions is simple: Kellers HazMat Transportation: What Drivers Need To Know training kit. Created exclusively for drivers, this easy-to-use kit drives home the importance of following DOT requirements, while giving solid information on essential topics like:
- hazmat classes and divisions
- the HazMat Table
- shipping papers
- marking, labeling, and placarding
- emergency response
- hazmat incidents.
Whether your drivers haul hazardous materials every day or only occasionally, they need to know how to haul hazmat safely. And they must know how to comply with the hazmat-related requirements that relate to driving. HazMat Transportation: What Drivers Need To Know will provide your drivers with that must-have information.
Each kit contains:
1 21-Minute Video
1 Instructors Guide
10 Driver Handbooks
1 Training Log
10 Wallet Cards
1 Awareness Poster
5 Wallet Cards
1 Load and Segregation Wall Chart
1 Hazardous Materials Marking Chart
1 Combination Label/Placard Wall Chart
1 Labeling Chart
1 Placarding Chart
ISBN 1-57943-912-8
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