Trucking Permit Guide
Reduces chance of permitting and fuel tax overpayments.
- Saves you time by giving you licensing, permitting, and fuel tax reporting information in one handy source.
- Helps reduce vehicle downtime by helping you keep your vehicles properly permitted.
- Reduces the number of phone calls you need to make to federal and state agencies.
- Helps you determine which permits will be most cost-effective temporary or permanent.
In an easy-to-use format, this valuable guide addresses three major regulatory areas: federal and state, interstate and intrastate operating authority procedures, vehicle registration, and fuel/mileage taxes. Covers U.S. federal, state, and Mexican regulatory agencies. This compliance guide will help all types of carriers comply with the Single State Registration System (SSRS), IFTA and IRP requirements. Also includes extensive information on external vehicle identification requirements for inter- and intrastate carriers. Sample forms are included for IFTA, IRP, Federal Operating Authority, HVUT and SSRS.
Loose-leaf, 3-ring bound. 800 pages.
ISBN 0-934674-00-0
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