Hazmat Training Basics
At last! Hazmat training thats easy on you and easy on your employees.
Youll love how this well-organized kit makes hazmat training easy to prepare and conduct. Its simple, straightforward materials guide you step by step through the training. Youll have the background information, exercises, and quizzes you need to conduct memorable, involving training.
Youll also appreciate the fact that it goes one step further than any other training program. Like other programs, it enables you to provide general awareness training. But unlike other programs, it also gives you the tools you need to assess your function-specific and safety training needs, as well. And thats important, because DOT requires training in all three areas general awareness, function-specific, and safety training.
Even your employees will appreciate this program, because it does an excellent job of explaining complex hazmat concepts in easy-to-understand language.
At the heart of the program is a 74-page, hands-on workbook that gets your employees involved in your training and allows them to put their knowledge to the test.
Use the program to train your employees on key hazmat issues like:
- hazard classification
- packaging
- the HazMat Table
- marking
- labeling
- shipping papers
- emergency response
- and more.
The program includes the following:
1 30-Minute VHS Training Video
1 Instructors Guide
1 HazMat Basics Handbook
1 HazMat Training Basics Employee Workbook
1 Awareness Poster
10 Wallet Cards
1 Training Log
1 Load and Segregation Wall Chart
1 Hazardous Materials Marking Chart
10 Employee Training Record and Certification Forms
10 HazMat Employee Training Certificates
1 Combination Label/Placard Wall Chart
1 Labeling Chart
1 Placarding ChartISBN 1-57943-721-4
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