Hazardous Materials Compliance Manual
Plain-English, easy-to-understand explanations of the regs.
- How-to-comply explanations tell you step-by-step what to do.
- Packed with practical examples, illustrations, and sample forms to help you answer compliance questions with confidence.
- Helps you assess your hazmat employee training efforts.
The how-to companion reference to Kellers Hazardous Materials Regulations Guide (page 104), this practical resource can help anyone quickly make sense of their responsibilities under DOTs Hazardous Materials Regulations.
In a fast-find, tab-divided format, the manual explains DOTs requirements for placarding, labeling, marking, documentation, hazmat employee training, emergency response, and more. A clear explanation of how to use the §172.101 HazMat Table and its appendices is also provided. The manuals Q & A section gives quick answers to common hazmat questions.
Includes easy-to-use audit checklists for each required area of training, plus U.S. DOT baseline penalty guidelines, and a Preambles section containing valuable regulatory background information. State-by-state summaries of key hazmat requirements are also included.
Loose-leaf, 3-ring bound. 650 pages. Update service available separately.
ISBN 1-877798-38-X
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