Safety Awareness: A Commitment To Yourself
Looking for a training program with impact?
Its hard to imagine an employee who wouldnt be newly committed to safety after hearing the firsthand accident accounts presented in this kits video. In on-camera interviews, survivors explain how carelessness or a lapse of concentration led to their accidents, and how the resulting injuries drastically impacted their lives. This high-quality video really drives home the point that safety awareness is first and foremost a matter of self-preservation.
The video also gives viewers insight into the ways accidents can occur, their costs and consequences, how to recognize unsafe conditions, and more. Accompanying the video are employee handbooks that reinforce the videos messages, and other materials to help round out the training program.
This kit includes:
1 30-Minute VHS Training Video
1 Leaders Guide
10 Employee Handbooks With Quizzes
1 Awareness Poster
1 Training Log
ISBN 1-57943-306-5
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