Work Zone Safety For Construction and Utility Employees
Teach your workers how to be safe in and around work zones.
Road work is particularly dangerous for construction and utility workers because of the surrounding traffic and the constant moving of heavy equipment. Thats why its important that you provide all your work zone personnel from supervisors to flaggers with work zone safety training. This all-new kit will provide you with the materials you need to conduct that training.
Based on the latest NIOSH recommendations, Kellers Work Zone Safety For Construction & Utility Employees looks at the broad picture of work zone safety, from traffic control to coordination of the site.
The kits engaging video discusses work zone hazards, applicable regulations and standards, traffic control, equipment inspection and maintenance, channeling devices, flaggers, personal protective equipment, warning signs, and more. The accompanying handbooks provide a review of key points and add further detail on the topics.
The kit includes enough materials to train 10 workers:
1 18-Minute VHS Video
1 Instructors Guide
10 Employee Handbooks
10 Employee Information Cards
1 Training Log
10 Wallet Cards
1 Awareness Poster
1 Work Zone Safety Guidelines Handbook
ISBN 1-57943-927-6 (English)
ISBN 1-57943-928-4 (Spanish)Home | About | Top Products | Product Index/Search | Contact
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