Violence In The Workplace: Audits, Training & Prevention
Workplace violence can strike in many different forms. And at any time. Heres how can you help reduce the risk at your workplace.
Workplace violence can occur at any company. Fortunately, there are things your managers and employees can do to help avoid potentially violent situations. This kit provides dozens of ways to reduce the risk of a violent or dangerous situation occurring at your company.
Managers will learn to spot factors that can increase the chance of violence, how to set up a crisis management team, how to conduct termination interviews, and more. Employees will learn how to protect themselves in high-risk areas, how to respond when confronted by a person with a weapon, and how to handle verbal threats.
The kit includes these materials:
1 22-Minute Management Video
1 27-Minute Employee Video
1 300-Page Reference Manual
10 Employee HandbooksISBN 1-877798-42-8
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